Note: Charles Clough encourages you to listen to the full 224-lesson Bible Framework series before listening to the series on the Bible Framework Applied website, as those teachings build on the concepts taught in the Framework.
We receive a lot of e-mails and letters from people telling us how much Bible Framework Ministries means to them. We are happy to share a few of those communications with you. We'd love to hear from you as well.
KL in Maine
“I thought you would like to know the far-reaching impact of the Framework series. Slowly, with the help of the Holy Spirit, your magnificent undertaking is touching many lives, not…
“[Your] MP3s have already had an impact. ... In our Sunday School class [during a discussion of God’s fairness] I shared ... your point that all the tribes that left…
“I feel like Charles is one of the few people who speak my language. I had a scientific upbringing, and actually came to the Lord through science. Charles seems to…
“Having listened to only a dozen lessons in the Framework series, a kernel of confidence is growing in me. I actually think I could contend for my faith with a…
The Bible Framework was recommended to me by one of my elders. I am premillennial and he's an amillennial. Nevertheless, he recommended this series (in spite of the well-deserved jab…
“Having gone through [the course] twice, I am convinced of the essential need of teaching the Framework to all believers in Jesus Christ. It is not that I have learned…
“I have all of Charlie's messages and have gone completely through the Framework once—and have repeated many messages again. I have also gone through Deuteronomy twice and repeated some messages…
“Thank you more than words can say for making the CDs available. I am most appreciative in many ways for the messages. The most important ... I want to be…